
Python has a very thorough standard library, including a variety of modules for compressing and decompressing data. However, all of them have different APIs for working with them., leading to difficulty in attempting to support multiple archive formats. arclib is an attempt to fix this by providing a common API that bridges the various archive modules in Python.


A while back, I was trying to port a Python application from using zip files to using tar files. To say it was “painful” is an understatement. The two modules have conceptually similar but immensely different APIs. Therefore, I started work on arclib to provide a unified API between the two, as well as between the other archive modules in the standard library.

Archive categories

arclib divides Python’s five archive modules (zipfile, tarfile, lzma, bzip2, and gzip) into three categories:

  • Basic, one-shot: the only compression method in this category is gzip. With gzip, the only allowed method of compression and decompression is “one-shot”, where all the data must be processed at once.
  • Basic, incremental: LZMA and bzip2 fall under here. These not only allow one-shot but also incremental compression and decompression, where the data is fed in in small chunks.
  • Complex, file-system: Tar and zip both are considering “complex” in arclib, in that they both allow one to store entire directory trees, not just chunks of data.


arclib contains the following modules:

Basic compression/decompression

  • arclib.gz: A module that exposes a basic, one-shot gzip compression/decompression API.
  • arclib.bz2: A module that exposes both a basic, one-shot bzip2 compression/decompression and an incremental API.
  • arclib.lzma: A module that exposes both a basic, one-shot LZMA compression/decompression and an incremental API.

Note that arclib.gz does not expose an incremental API.

Complex, file-system compression/decompression

Both and arclib.tar expose an API that allows for manipulation of their respective complex archive formats.

The APIs


All modules in arclib implement this API:

open(*args, **kw)

Returns a File with the given arguments.

Basic, one-shot

All the “basic” modules (gz, bz2, and lzma) implement this API:

detach, truncate


Compresses data using the corresponding compression method.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to compress.
Returns:The compressed data.
Return type:bytes

Decompresses data using the corresponding decompression method.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to decompress.
Returns:The decompressed data.
Return type:bytes

In addition, their open function is an alias for the corresponding Python module’s open and therefore returns the module’s File. For instance, is an alias for Python’s own and returns gzip.GzipFile.

Basic, incremental

Both arclib.bz2 and arclib.lzma (*not* arclib.gz) implement this API.

class Compressor

A class that implements incremental compression. All types of this kind are instances of arclib.AbstractBasicCompressor. Example usage:

my_compressor = arclib.bz2.Compressor() # The compressor object.
compressed_data = b'' # The resulting compressed data.
compressed_data += my_compressor.compress(b'Something to compress...')
compressed_data += my_compressor.compress(b'More stuff!')
compressed_data += my_compressor.flush() # Always remember the flush call!

Incrementally compresses data using the corresponding compression method.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to compress.
Returns:A portion of compressed data, or an empty byte string. Note that this data is not considered valid on its own, and must be combined with both other calls to compress and the result of flush().
Return type:bytes

Flushes the compressor’s internal buffers.

Returns:The rest of the compressed data.
Return type:bytes
class Decompressor

A class that implements incremental compression. All types of this kind are instances of arclib.AbstractBasicDecompressor. Example usage:

compressed_data = arclib.bz2.compress(b'Some data to compress!')
my_decompressor = arclib.bz2.Decompressor() # The decompressor object.
decompressed_data = b'' # The resulting decompressed data.
# Decompress some data.
decompressed_data += my_decompressor.decompress(compressed_data[:5])
# And some more data!
decompressed_data += my_decompressor.decompress(compressed_data[5:])
assert decompressed_data == b'Some data to compress!'
assert my_decompressor.eof

Incrementally decompresses data using the corresponding decompression method.

Parameters:data (bytes) – The data to decompress.
Returns:A portion of decompressed data, or an empty byte string. Note that this data is not the complete decompressed data, and must b combined with other calls to decompress.
Return type:bytes

Whether or not the end of the compressed data has been reached.


Any unused data left over after the decompression completed.


Both and arclib.tar implement this API.

open(*args, **kw)

Opens an archive. All arguments are passed to the corresponding function; for instance, passes all its arguments to

Returns:The opened archive file.
Return type:File
openobj(fileobj, **kw)

Opens the given file object. Whereas open opens a file path, openobj opens an in-memory file object.

Returns:The opened archive file.
Return type:File
class File

An opened archive file. Can be used as a context manager. Example:


with'') as f:
    # Stuff here.
# f is automatically closed.

Close the archive file.


Returns an Info object containing information about the given archive member.

Parameters:member (str) – A string describing the path to the archive member, e.g. x/y/z.
Returns:The member information object.
Return type:Info

Retrieves Info objects for all the archive’s members.

Returns:A list of all the Info objects for all the archive’s members.
Return type:list of Info

Retrieves all the archive’s members.

Returns:A list of strings, one for each archive member.
Return type:list of str

Dump a description archive’s contents to standard output.

add(path, arcname=None, recursive=True)

Adds a file or directory to the archive.

  • path (str) – The path to add to the archive.
  • arcname (str) – The name to give the file when placing it in the archive. If None, then it will be the same as path, but with leading roots and the drive removed.
  • recursive (bool) – If path is a directory and this is a truthy value, then the directory’s contents will also be added to the archive.
add_data(path, data)

Adds a bytes object to the archive.

  • path (str) – The name to give the file when placing it in the archive.
  • data (bytes) – The file’s contents.
extract(member, path=None)

Extracts a member from the archive.

  • member (str) – The member to extract.
  • path (str) – The target path to extract the member to; if None, then it will be the current directory. also takes the following keyword argument:

Parameters:pwd (str) – The password to use to extract the file, or None.
open(member, universal_newlines=False)

Extracts a member from the archive into memory rather that onto the disk. Returns a bytes file-like object with the following properties:

  • name - The name of the member.
  • read(size=-1) - Read and return size bytes from the file.

If universal_newlines is True, then the file object will be an instance of io.TextIOWrapper that also has the name property.

  • member (str) – The member to extract.
  • universal_newlines (str) – If True, returns an io.TextIOWrapper that also has a property name, which is the name of the member. Otherwise, returns a file-like object as mentioned above. also takes the following keyword argument:

Parameters:pwd (str) – The password to use to extract the file, or None.
Returns:The file-like object as explained above, if the member is present. If it is not present, returns None.
class Info

An object containing information about an archive member.


The underlying, “true” info object. With, this is an instance of zipfile.ZipInfo; with arclib.tar.Info, this is an instance of tarfile.TarInfo.


The name of the file within the archive.


The number of bytes that the file takes up within the archive.


A datetime.datetime object containing the last modification time of the file.